Show a full scrabble board layout so we can enter the entire board and find best fit
By entering all of the words already played, we could be given option where to place tiles to take advantage of triple words etc
dress designs commented
Hows the Visual anagrammer coming along? really looking forward to this new feature While Scrabble is the standard, there are other similar games which don't use that copyright layout. [In fact since it is a copyright layout, you may not be able to include it in the feature anyway]
haha, thanks for the nice comments guys. We keep improving the site to make it more powerful than ever, so you can keep on kicking your opponents' butts!
Lilly Vaughn commented
Are y'all serious??? Come on, if you can't figure it out as is maybe you shouldn't be playing. This website is amazing as is and honestly is too easy to kick my opponents a$$e$ . I often feel bad using it & try nit to unless I really need to. Y'all are terrible CHEATERS. Do your opponents have any clue that you use this site? Or do you just kill them every time & make them feel terrible? Give me a break...
JiMbO sLiCe commented
Awesome website that really helps while playing Words with Friends on my Droid...just started using this, but others that I play against must have been using this already, because they were kicking my a$$. Thanks!
Tania commented
Hows the Visual anagrammer coming along? really looking forward to this new feature.
Tania commented
Hows the Visual anagrammer coming along? really looking forward to this new feature.
Tania commented
Hows the Visual anagrammer coming along? really looking forward to this new feature.
thx for the suggestion Warden, we wil build that flexibility
Warden commented
When designing this feature, please build in the ability to specify where the bonus squares are. While Scrabble is the standard, there are other similar games which don't use that copyright layout. [In fact since it is a copyright layout, you may not be able to include it in the feature anyway]
This visual anagrammer is in planning & development stage