Update acceptable words
Update acceptable words. Currently fatal is accepted but not fatale. Frustrating when commonly used words are rejected.

need more info
Dave commented
Wave able should be an acceptable word. Especially during the pandemic. If someone you do not know waves at you, or you yourself wave at someone you don't know means you deem them worthy of a wave or waveable. This is no different then saying hello to a perfect stranger, which is acceptable.
Tony Stevens commented
Using the "what was the highest scoring word" help:
nanobes -
Paul commented
I've been seeing Words with Friends suggesting words that are too long for anything Anagrammer gives. For example, a rack of AADLORZ and a free E on the board. Words with Friends optimal solution is the 7-letter word AZAROLE (a Meditteranean fruit, while Anagrammer gives only the 6-letter AREOLA, LOADER, ORDEAL and RELOAD, and my top score was with LAZED.
In this play, AZAROLE scores 68, but as I could only get 36 with LAZED.
Anonymous commented
Mary commented
Just tried 2that are supposed to be okay in WWF but it wouldn't take them: Heil, lez
Anonymous commented
Abo is valid, but invalid on the board...fix this!
anonymous commented
MOSH as in "mosh pit" rejected??
QUO as in "status quo"?
I agree, a lot of strange words are accepted but not some more common ones.
Please correct immediately as people pass on words that should be included!! -
Anonymous commented
playing WWF via FB, these words have been rejected:
but HOOPOE went thru. ???? TWL06 is a very strange dictionary, with many foreign words.
please fix this. -
Anonymous commented
using WWF via FB the following words have been rejected as 'not valid':
but CRWTH is acceptable.... wtf?
jimclavius commented
The word defo is in Collins but not in your SOWPODS dictionary. I notice such words from time to time. Do you wish to know about them? If so, is this the proper vehicle for letting you know?
Thanks, Jim
donner commented
What is this TWL06 dictionary? I am using the Scrabble feature of anagrammer, and so many of the words are just, well, weird! Lots of middle eastern terms, etc.
Anonymous commented
Femme fatale is a common expression to describe a sexy smoldering type of movie star.
mary commented
My friend just got a whole bunch of points using the word amex. I always go to your site for quick definitions and I like seeing which games accept the word. According to your site, none of the games accept amex. But that is no longer true. Words with friends does!!!!
drop on your head!!how's that one? commented
since when is 'za' a permittable word for a GOOD GAME OF SCRABBLE? If my mother was alive
and was to see the 'sick' 2 letter words that i can't even find in my dictionary, she'd pobably have
a heart attack; she was once a SMART school teacher and once told me she'd NEVER play the
game (Scrabble) with ANYONE that planned on trying to use a 'Scrabble dictionary' and that seems that the way you allow it, that's just where the words come from that you allow!!!!!! -
Anonymous commented
Hangman Anagrammer, no dictionary option available. _US_ER, after inputting used letters the only option was BUSKER, but the answer was BUSIER. I had not entered "I" as a used letter (nor B, nor K).
we need more info. What game are you playing and which dictionary have you chosen from the dropdown?