enterring spaces in board tiles
Restore the scrabble word finder's ability to recognize spaces in the board tiles box. What happened?
the requested functionality is there and working
G commented
Why aren't you listening to the people who use your site??? So many are reporting problems with using the question mark, it used to be possible to use the space bar to create a question mark, now you have to use the shit key+?! There are other problems too, eg spaces are ignored. Everything was working fine until today, what is going on??? Please fix these problems and stop saying everything is fine, IT IS NOT FINE!!! If you continue to ignore this you will lose many of your loyal supporters, there are a lot of other options out there! -
spikebreon commented
No-o-o... Not any more.
Fredrick commented
we have 1 blank and seven tiles to use: EVENTSE? in annagrammer
answer shows EVENEST (A 7 letter word) is a Bingo
Susan commented
akeim, what do you mean by it is gone?! Please check again and let us know
akeim commented
that was the BEST feature and now it's gone :( please rollback to a few days ago!
to do that you need to use A*A (that signifies A (letter) A) and it will show WATAP, AHA, ATAP etc. -
Carol commented
Please restore the ability to put a space (or spaces) between letters and have words show that reflect this. Example: c(space)r Possibilities that would show up would be the word "corn" for instance. I MISS this aspect of anagrammer! I tried using ? in place of the space bar, and it still doesn't work. Please, please, return this feature!
Lilly Vaughn commented
You put A?A in the rack tiles space. I'm saying that if I put bphtlw in the rack tiles space. Then in the board tiles space I used to be able to put A A and possible words would appear. Such as atap or watap or aba, awa, etc. Now A A or A?A only gives me AAH or AAL. Only words with AA together.
Our engineer has updated our engine. However, we need specific examples of what has gone bad, so we can correct it.
When I put I A?A it appears to me that the results are correct:
2: AA
2: AAH - B!
2: AAL - B!
2: AAS - B!
2: ABA - B!
2: AGA - B!
2: AHA - B!
2: ALA - B!
2: AMA - B!
2: ANA - B!
2: AVA - B!
2: AWA - B!
2: BAA - B!
1: AB
1: AD
1: AE
1: AGPLEASE explain again what functionality is missing.
Lilly Vaughn commented
Yes I have tried A?A and it still gives me options for words starting with AA instead of words with a letter inbetween. 2 days ago it worked great. I could put N 5 spaces A & generate a word if one is available. Whet happened?
Have you tired using a question mark instead of space? Question marks were always the way to enter empty tile.
Lilly Vaughn commented
Please bring back the space inbetween the letters. I used to be able to place A A in the board tile space & see options. Now when I put A A it puts the letters together & gives me options which I do not need. AA is not what I am looking for. Why was this option changed? I feel that this is a bad idea.
Hi Ann, we are trying to figure what you mean by "scoring has changed" ... pleasebe more specific so we can find the bug and fix it.
Hello, the official way of entering wildcards have always been the ? (question mark). Can you please start using the question mark if you haven't yet, let me know if this is too inconvenient and I will discuss with our other software engineer
thanks for this report, we are now investigating this
Anonymous commented
I know, it's only stopped working in the past day or two and is driving me crazy! Please go back to the way it was!
Anonymous commented
Why has this been removed? Wildcards are important!