Only use ads that don't crash the page . . .
Shockwave plug-in keeps crashing the page. This used to happen from time to time but for the past week or so it happens after only about 1-3 minutes. The only solution is to kill the page and open a new one. Not a real solution.
Would love to keep using your site if only you would fix this issue. It is not new. I can only assume it is more important to you to sell ads than to have a site people can use. But then why would people pay to advertise on an unusable site?
Time to find a new site if you don't get this in order quickly. I'll check back in a day or two to see if you have resolved the issue.
We’re working on a solution to give ad-free access
Anonymous commented
Your ads block part of the word lists. If I have to look at ads, please don't make them impede the view of the words. Plus, I'd rather pay you all a fee to NOT see ads. Thanks.