This section is for issues related to:
Scrabble Solver
Words With Friends
Hanging With Friends
Scramble With Friends
WordFeud Cheat
LetterPress Cheat
288 results found
wish you could use just 1 letter instead of 2 ltr minimum
When you're down to your last letter, you don't have a 2nd ltr to enter for help...otherwise I love the app....
1 vote -
Love Anagrammer 1.0 !!!
Please keep it going as it is the BEST for word scrambe puzzles !!!
4 votes -
Check your arithmetic
I don't understand your point counts in WWF. For example, you show "FAUN" above "NOR", with "UN" tying to "NO", and give it a point count of 51! I count 15. Where do you come up with 51? This is just one of many examples of mis-calculations, all in similar "Above" or "Below" situations.
1 vote -
Unclutter your page, and enlarge the font so the words can be easily seen. Version 1 is much better.
You're getting too fancy. It's tacky. Even trying to type into the first box, it kept trying to match with other comments, causing typing delays and confusion. Why, what is the programmer trying to prove? This is supposed to be feedback, and is a perfect example of what is wrong.
4 votes -
Score total not exact
RUSTYOTKUFIN letter entered by score it says
25: TRYOUTS but it really equals 10
23: TOURIST but it really equals 8
13: OUTSKIRT correct2 votes -
thumbs up
you have a thumbs down for letter not in the word. is it at all possible to use a thumbs up for the letters in? i know you have to place the letter in the proper place...but its just a thought.
6 votes -
Script for hangman
For hangman solver, if there's an "A" already in there, script should automatically exclude results with "A" elsewhere in the word! :)
1 vote -
add more two and three letter words to your dictionary
it says I cannot extend 'fa' when i have an w, e and h
fae, fah and faw are all defined and not on here, I have noticed other words like 'puree' which are not included in your dictionary.11 votes -
1 vote
hanging with friends
You have "hard v.2"...but most of my friend don't start with vowels...they start with RSTLNE. Can you create a "hard v3" that excludes those letters?
4 votes -
spaces are not ignored
In Hanging with Friends solver if I press the space bar to indicate an unknown or empty letter it inserts a space. Then the solver considers that as a space and not an empty letter and can't find any solutions.
1 vote -
Re-instate the wildcard feature in the Scrabble 'match this' box
It used to exist but disappeared a few months ago. Please - bring it back!
6 votes -
1 vote
1 vote
29 votes
update words
many are not accepted any longer when challenged
1 voteplease give an example. A word and a game you used in. Our dictionaries are very accurate.
Update acceptable words
Update acceptable words. Currently fatal is accepted but not fatale. Frustrating when commonly used words are rejected.
49 votesneed more info
add a feature to only display words of a specific or minimum length
I am often only interested in words of a minimum length. By eliminating the short words the page should load faster.
1 vote -
1 vote
ok, so this is similar to Boggle
2 votes
- Don't see your idea?